Front-end developer / Project Manager
Islombek Umarov
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My background
My full name is Islom Umarov. After finishing my lyceum(2018) I decided to study Accounting and then entered to ISFT university in Tashkent in order to study ACCA. I got a F3 paper, but I did not find my self in Accounting.Then I tried my best to understand my interests and entered to IT sphere(2019).Because of my interests and wishes I went to study in Malaysia. I entered Asia Pacific university of technology and innovation which is one of the lead universities in IT in Asia.My major was Software Engineering. I came to Uzbekistan when I finish my first semester and can not flight back cuz of pandamics. I continued my studies online. It is noticieable that, I'd prefer offline and this is the main reason why I transferred my studies to Management Development Institution of Singapore in Tashkent.
It's very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better
Skills and experience
UI / UX Design
Project Managing
Here is link ...
I uploaded some of my projects to my GitHub account.
If you want to contact with me ...
Please fill in the form below.You will receive a phone call within one hour
Uchtepa, 14 Lutfiy street,
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